Friday 7 October 2011


Pencils are so lovely. Each and every one of them is special, gives out a special feel that urges me to draw, anything on a piece of paper. A sharp pencil can be used to write, dancing across the paper with words. The words are etched onto the paper and even though it may be erased, the marks are still there. However, the lead breaks easily, thus the sharp pencil is deemed fragile in my opinion, so gentle yet harsh with its marks.

A blunt pencil can be used to sketch, the creases of the lines evident. The lines are bolded, light and yet soft. A finger that smoothens the line out smudges it, giving the whole sketch a different image, looking old but radiant. Although it dirties the finger, the feeling of the lead smudged onto the soft paper is something so beautiful that words cannot describe the feeling.

Pencils are not like pens. They seem elegant and simple, not sophisticated at all. Pens give a totally different feel to the user, as they seem less casual and relaxed. The ink of a pen does not give the user the satisfaction which is given by a pencil to sketch. The lines of the pencil may be erased, so simply. The best pencils are usually wooden, as they do not cut the paper like the mechanical ones. The lines drawn are light and soft. They are not dark grey but are of a lighter colour, a little like silver. Silver is not like grey. Silver is bright, less dull and shines a little due to the reflection of light.

The lines sketched by a pencil may be hesitant, light. Extra shading may be required to bolden the line. The shading of the shadows of a person makes the drawing seem a little more real. By smudging the lines together, a darker shadow is formed, highlighting the aspect where the shadow is shaded at.

I love to draw, using wooden pencils, shading in the thin collar bones of the person, then adding a soft touch of shadow below them. The pencil can be manipulated to draw thin and thick lines, sharp pencils used to emphasise on the eye lashes and the eyebrows are emphasised with a blunt pencil, the thick lines falling over one another. The pencil can also be used to shade in the eyes, creating different impacts with a darker tone and a lighter tone.

I love pencils.

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Have fun scribbling your thoughts :D The pencil... is amused.