Tuesday 25 October 2011

As though I could see your face

Act 1

You hastily stand up, so does your partner. Although the air-conditionals are turned on to full blast, the few of us are perspiring hard; probably due to the fact that we arrived late from gym. I, as usual, take a head-count and sigh. 'Six,' I think to myself. "We're short of one," I announce, remarking the obvious. They nod their heads in unison and in synch, we turn to you. Scratch that. They turn to you. I stubbornly looked away, searching the class for another option. After all, we couldn't seperate you, right? She gestures towards you and you whip your head away from us, squatting down while she smiled sheepishly.

As though I could see your face, I knew that disappointment would be one of the emotions painted there.

Act 2

I talk into the phone, try to end the conversation, before casually taking a peek at you. You were balancing your head on your fist, looking extremely bored. I shift my gaze back immediately to prevent suspicion, and laugh, catching up with the conversation that I never participated in. I twist my hair in a very unnatural way, nod blankly, trying to be absorbed in the uninteresting chatter of words that passed around us. I shift the sling of my bag up my shoulder for more comfort and place a fist to my chest, my other hand clutching onto my mobile phone. And then she smiles, nudging me.

As though I could see your face, the thought of you anticipating me, waiting for me, made me nervous. It was an absurd idea, something so tall. I felt my heart pumping anxiously, with every of its beat followed along numbness. It was something that would only occur in a moment, that flying moment, with numbness, your brain stops functioning; You could only do everything based on instinct.

I allow myself to be pushed, but not without scowling at her. I lower my head, skipping towards you. Lifting my fist to bang on the glass to catch your attention, I realise that you have been watching. Stunned, I take a step back, trying to smile as I wave and point to myself then to the gate. You nod and waved back. I turned away and hurriedly walk past them, waving.

As though I could see your face, I could vividly sketch you out, with raised eyebrows-- using a thin pencil-- and sparkling eyes-- best with different types of pencil, or the way and weight used on the pencil to emphasise a difference, naturally with double eyelids or a single line below the eyes-- filled with amusement.

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Have fun scribbling your thoughts :D The pencil... is amused.