Thursday 20 September 2012

the pencil is mightier than the charcoal. still.

i've been drawing a lot recently and i suspect i'm going through some kinda phase.

first it was folding stars, then the paper flowers and then the hearts.
And now it's the stars. again.

what is with me and folding papery stuff now.
idek exactly.

but back to the topic. i'm drawing. a lot. and that's not exactly good. because well. it kinda eats into my time and when i start drawing i can't really stop.

after eoys i'm going on a drawing spree. whee.
but anyway.

yeah. so i've 'designed' the dresses for the "if (cca) were to be a dress" album. so far--

2 ES dresses (but the first design was crappy)
1 Modern Dance dress
1 String Ensemble dress

i think i might do the Chinese Dance dress if. well. if there's really a spare period when the teacher's not exactly talking about the point at hand. or maybe another ES dress.
it's fun, but sometimes you can get stuck because you don't really know about that cca but still, it's your general impression of it anyway.

yeah. and i don't really want to waste my sketch book's pages by randomly doodling. so well. i'm trying out a more shading kinda style.

yeah i know how this sounds so ridiculous, especially when i've got eoys around me and all.

but anyway i like pencils. sure, charcoal is good for shading, but pencil is neater and more available and i've not really used charcoal before but i think it's rather hard to erase? so you have to- like- be very decisive on what you want to draw and stuff. and besides, freshly sharpened pencils smell a little like books but more... how do you say it. nice. well. it's just a kinda metallic crisp argh i don't know how to describe it.

yeah. pencils are beautiful.

my mom is really irritating sometimes even though i try to tolerate her, you know. i mean, idek why but it's like she's intent on making me do things i don't wanna do and i try to be nice and speak all gently but yeah and then she gets too sensitive and say that i hurt her when she's said more hurting phrases to me but.

and then loon introduced this website of many, many beautiful words so i thought.
it's full of words.
beautiful words.

if being a nerd means being in love with words then-
oh of course i am a nerd whaddya think i was.

so there.

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Have fun scribbling your thoughts :D The pencil... is amused.