Saturday 14 July 2012

what is right and wrong? do we all know?

Whatever you do, just remember to come home.

Sarcasm is a merely a friend ((phantom friend)), that's too laid-back and self-centered.

People don't just turn into fiends overnight.

Wrong, is simply a word.

I don't know how people manage to think so complexly... It's like we're reverting back to our ancestors, becoming barbarians.

Are we progressing? Or not?

It's then I realise that society's made up of humans.

Sis and Dad are discussing right and wrong.
Dad makes a point about prisons.
Sis rebuts, agitated.
Dad says that those who don't contribute to society will have to be killed.
Sis pulls in bro.
Dad says that he will have to be killed in such circumstances.
They get to right and wrong, whether it's actually useful to imprison people when they know it's not going to help the criminals turn over a new leaf.
I eat more breakfast.
Sis makes a point about how warped society is.
Dad asks for my point of view in this matter.
I shrug.
Sis asks me what right and wrong is.
"They're just words."
Sis seems a little more angry.
Sis asks where I would find the definition of right and wrong.
"In the dictionary."
Sis looks really angry.

Later I ask Dad if I said something wrong.
He says no.
"I want to be a genderless alien."
"Well, okay."
"Actually, I want to be a penguin-ninja. Or a fish-giraffe hybrid. I really don't mind."
"I just want to be anything other than a human."
"People are so complex. I think aliens are simpler."
"Well, you are an alien." laugh.
"I could be, for all we know. I could even be a pencil that's been experimented on, hence having brains and being able to dream of being a human."
"We could all be pencils."
"True. Like those wobbly kinds?"
"I think I'd be mechanical."

I'm just not in the mood to think so much.
Humans are complex.



  1. Your dad is just so cool :) But it's sad, yeah, about the humans.

    WU HUman AI ZAI Ö


Have fun scribbling your thoughts :D The pencil... is amused.