Wednesday 13 June 2012

More shameless publicity! :D

Okay, so... umm, I'm trying out something new here. *shamelessly publicizes a book give away~*

So, um, well, look to the right of the blog and you can see a list of blogs. See them? Now, squint a little and you'll notice that there's a blog names "Bookcase to Heaven".

So, here's the deal! Sel (owner of "Bookcase to Heaven") is holding a kinda book giveaway thingy.

Her blog URL : Bookcase to Heaven
And her blog post regarding the giveaway: Bookcase to Heaven: book giveaway '12

So please do visit her and hopefully you'll win a book...?

Here, have some of Grandma Waffle's waffles :D

Yay~ publicity over!

um, no yay? :D

I'm horrible with this.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent.

    *grins smugly*

    I like all kinds of publicity ;)


Have fun scribbling your thoughts :D The pencil... is amused.