Wednesday 21 December 2011

Stop, Stand, Smile.

What happens when you meet up with an over-enthusiastic adult who tries to make some conversation. The correct impression is to Stop, Stand and Smile. But how?

1. Stop
Pause whatever you are doing (drooling over your favourite idol's pictures; playing on the latest gameboy; blah, blah.). Do not, I repeat, do not glare at the person and indicate how much you would like to kill him/her for his/her interruption to your current activity. Drop whatever you are holding onto (preferably pass it to someone else) and stare, with attention and curiosity.

2. Stand
To stand properly. Do not cross your arms to show how frustrated at how e.g. he/she interrupted your imaginary happy land with so-and-so. Instead, hold your hands together and place them in front of you and stand up straight.

3. Smile
Do not smile sheepishly. Flash your best smile, showing your teeth (unless you have none or are a vampire). Don't make it into a threatening smile. Make it nice.

In that case, your parents will never correct your greeting habits and when those adults blab, just try to repeat mostly of what they say in the right situation, of course, or just try to nod and look enthusiastic.
For example,

Enthusiastic person (EP): It's such a nice day, right?
You : Nice day. *smile*
EP: How do you feel about the school, it's really nice! My daughter blahblahblah
You: *Nod* Nice school. *smile*
EP: So you're taking up Japanese.
You: Japanese *nod* *smile*
EP: Haha, arigato!
You: Arigato. *look enthusiastic and smile, nodding.*

And that's how you get through the conversation. Try not to repeat too much, though. It'll stir up some confusion. That's exactly what the EP said to me, while I reacted differently.

EP: It's such a nice day, right?
Me: ... uh.
EP: How do you feel about the school? My daughter blahblahblah
Me: Umm.... It's nice? *nods*
EP: So you're taking up Japanese.
Me: *raises eyebrows* ... umm... (Inner mind : ... stalker XD)
EP: Haha, arigato!
Me: *stares blankly*... (I should have reacted with a more brilliant statement to shock him off, but that would be plain rude... Besides, I don't think I even had time to think of one. Probably ask him if he speaks English. :D)

And so, my parents were telling me not to look so dead (I should really dress up as a zombie for halloween.) when people talked to me, smile more. So here's your ultimate guide to pretend not to be bored when you really are. Master of disguise! :D
I should really master the 3 'S's. Bleh.

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Have fun scribbling your thoughts :D The pencil... is amused.