Tuesday 20 March 2012

Musings --20March2012

it's been so long, so horribly long since i really listened to 'collide' by howie day.
it's so peaceful. the room is silent and rather peaceful and i feel as though the world is falling, tilting, sinking deeply into another world of darkness.
the light is bright (i think perhaps it would be good for me to install a night-light, but that's digressing.)
i'm really confused right now, a little in denial at how my work for 'iridescent' has turned out. part of me says, 'that's enough, seriously. stop editing.' and the other? 'just edit it. now.' (Edit: I really need to edit it already. It's too... out of point)
i'm rather content with how the story is already...
soooooo i should start with another story.
yes, nut, yours. i'm fretting over the plot now. it's so forced and unnatural. like it's just there cause i want it to be there.
i look at the class photos of last year and it stuns me.
so many faces, unfamiliar yet so recognizable. i let my hand hover over it for a few moments. egg's like her, alright, i decide in my twisted mindset.
joanna and i were going from classroom to classroom, just pretending to be stalkers with that dao staring look and finally laughing like mad before continuing until we got to our own class. and with that 'mantou look here' incident... we got overboard, but the teacher didn't really care.
sorry bee, i don't think i can go for the alumni thingy because of block tests next week.
i hope you're not mad at me for not holding to my word.
es is pressurizing. story telling competition, we were enthu and they said we overdid it, laughing at inappropriate times (i didn't think there was ever an inappropriate time for laughing.). and we were noisy, disturbing the rest. puffy white marshmallows, are supposed to be demure, quiet, mature and conservative, you'd say? i beg to differ. that behaviour is restrictive, plastic and hypocritical. we didn't overdo anything, in my opinion. ahh, those words are so going to get me in trouble if anyone from es sees this.
home econs, pricked my fingers seven times. ouch. tried to sew back something because everyone was busy, pricked myself again and there was blood. not very pretty, i'd say.
does blood taste metallic? how does metal taste like? rusted? or like those metal spoons we have at home?
... i'll go google it later.


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Have fun scribbling your thoughts :D The pencil... is amused.