Saturday 5 November 2011

Things are changing, rapidly.

Even as I wake up to every single moment, so monotonous, change is occuring. With breakneck speed it flies past, its talons clutching onto the cloak as it wraps the earth around. The fabric withers and dies, leaving the new cloak to take its place. It undergoes a long period of time, replacing the old fabric bit by bit.
There's nothing to stop it, nothing at all.

We drive past the winding road,

At that moment in the car, mom is speaking loudly. I stare out of the windows, unconsciously tugging onto my blue T-shirt, pulling it downwards. The sky looks quite bright today; unlike the days of gloom. Perhaps it might stay at this weather for the week. Who knows? Mom continues to chatter, speaking of things "that younger kids like you should not interfere with". Dad grunts a reply and then mom continues to talk. I look towards the windscreen of the car, my eyes picking out several detail. Quite insignificant, but still there. I listen harder, then press my cheek against the cool window.
"If the elders go and plead with the younger ones, will they refuse? No."
I listen on, bored, storing information for future uses, if needed. Along with me, in the back seat, my sister is facing the other window. I turn back to my window, still staring.

Still vaguely conscious, but not quite.

"Have you accepted the offer from Nanyang?"
"... not really." I look out of the window, knowing where this conversation is going to lead.
"Are you hesitating?"
"... I suppose... I only have to accept, right?"
"So are you thinking that that is your only choice or is that what your parents are thinking?"
"I suppose... It's my own thinking."
"Are you afraid you can't get into RGS?"
"... Yeah..."
"You're afraid for your PSLE score?"
"Urm... yeah."
"But I thought you've been improving for these few years?"
"Urm, not really. I dropped in Science."
"But this year's Science was quite difficult, right?"
"Yeah, only two pupils in our class got A-star."
"Then it's difficult, right?"
"Yeah, but... if they can get A-star, why can't I?"
"Don't worry, you've been doing well, going uphill, right?"
"But... there's gonna be a time I'll start going downhill, right?" A restless shifting in my seat.
" Why are you so pessimistic?"
"I'm not. I'm just being realistic." A shaky laugh.

In the sandbox, I refuse to step out onto the beach.

I'm really apprehensive. It's gonna be a new step out there, to venture further into another different environment. We're all going our seperate ways, told never to look back. Without any support, we're just left to grope about in darkness and find another supporting friend to lead us back. The first few days will be painful, feeling the stark, naked panic rising in your chest, as you walk through another unfamiliar tunnel with sharp twists and turns.
If I could, I wouldn't want to try out the new tunnel. But I am going to get pushed mercilessly into the strange, scary darkness. It engulfs me and I know there's no turning back. I have to stay strong, to not let the tears fall.
You wonder if they'll still remember you, but a little comforted by the fact that there's still Teacher's Day and regular meetings on the computer. But with time, that bond will eventually break. The very thought arouses fear, that eats into the very core of our hearts.
You don't want to leave.

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Have fun scribbling your thoughts :D The pencil... is amused.