Monday 3 December 2012


how did you guys miss me

anyway. I have been watching some random China drama (apparently their Chinese standard is better than other- rather expected, though) and it's about the era when there were dynasties and I think it was 清朝 with   雍正皇帝 or something :D And it's quite funny, amusing when they quarrel. But the way they fight- it's just BURN BWAHAHAHA because they're really good at secretly hurting people, hinting things and beating around the bush and stuff. And there was this one scene: XD


And the concubines actually have ranks and whatnot! And they always say things like, "这是自然的" and "都怪 臣妾/奴婢 嘴笨" and also "失宠了". It's quite funny I think I can reply to people aptly with these lines.

Friends: Why am I always the one chosen D:
Me: 这是自然的。

Friends: You shouldn't have said that!
Me: 都怪奴婢嘴笨。

Friends: I'm so bored. My friend just abandoned me.
Me: 失宠了,失宠了。

Friends: Would you like coffee?
Me: 那是自然的。

Friends: What are you doing- what?
Me: 这是自然的。

Friends: Why don't you ever go out?
Me: 这是自然的。

Friends: Oh, you don't say.
Me: 这是自然的。

Friends: Why do you have a- potato on your table-
Me: 这是自然的。

Mom: Go do your homework.
Me: 如今,我竟然落到了这个下场,失宠了。失宠了。

Wait, what? Anyway, that was just to prove my point that you can practically answer every single question with "这是自然的。" No matter how weird it sounds.

This is when you stretch your arms across walls and continents and pat my back before unplugging my computer. And then you will whisper, "it's time to stop posting."

1 comment:

  1. 0.0! Are u watching 甄环传? and yup there are 8 ranks for concubines. I like what the emperor said to the eunuch though, so witty:)


Have fun scribbling your thoughts :D The pencil... is amused.