Thursday, 31 May 2012

Everything is going to be "bad translator"-ed


Why, some people do post about "a list of guest artists".

Ahem, I have no sponsor by the way. This blog is not sponsored. I thought that was clear enough.

You, you what? I am the rightful owner of this blog, of this blog! How dare you!

What "Knights of Code"? And "Process"? Are you a robot--wait, you are a programme.
AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY "this kind of work"?

"On a dark and stormy night" is how we usually start our stories. But as it seem. You are not usual.

No, and I will never install it. NEVER. 

When I am--what. I am not going to install "e" or whatever it is. Also, "NEVER" rules out the possibility of actually installing whatever that crap is. T.T


Okay, *glances around furtively* 
Just don't... 'palm' your computer screen in a bid to "palm page".
okay. :D


This was so funny~ 
I should do this some other time. :D

Ollie~ :D

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Here, have a waffle.

Are you sure, no more waffles? [skeptical]
Oh dear, are you sure you don't need anymore waffles?
Oh--but--well, if you ever hear them calling your name then you may--


Oh. I didn't--
Well, waffles are a very good source of-- [sheepishly]
I do understand, of course.
What? What did you just say? [affronted]
That was me again, wasn't it?
Oh, silly me.
Are you really sure you don't want a waffle?
Oh, but waffles are such a delight.
You don't see them? [disbelief]


You don't see the waffles?
M' dear, how could you not see them?
They're piping hot, and so sweet, are you okay?
Are you sure you don't need this waffle?

________________END OF TRANSMISSION__________________
(taken from a phone call with the Waffle Granny)

I read an awesomely written fanfiction. A Harry Potter fanfiction, if I may add. With interesting and quirky twists. Oh dear, no waffles of course, no waffles.

Eilun, maybe you could read it and consider it for another fic recommendation?

It's: Harry Potter and The Methods of Rationality
By: Less Wrong

Quick summary (of what I've read):

Harry Potter does not live in an abusive household. He's under the care of Aunt Petunia, who has married some scientist of sorts. Harry Potter grows up, following his stepfather's footsteps into Science and its wonders *sighs enviously* Professor Mcgonagall takes him all around Diagon Alley, only to find out he's no ordinary child (the arguments in Harry's brain is a little too advanced for me...) He gets sorted into Ravenclaw with Hermione and they start a sort of competition on gaining points. There is a particular potions lesson wherein he managed to spark a reasonable argument with Professor Snape, and that in turn leads to a scene in the Headmaster's office, where Harry begins to reason how Professor Snape's actions and verbal abuse will scar "young, vulnerable" children for eternity.

Professor Snape and Harry apologise publicly (Snape 'regretting' his verbal abuse to the "young, vulnerable" children and Harry for disrupting the Potions Lesson).

It's really intriguing. :D

Hope you enjoy~

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

I was at the hospital just now.
Waited for two friggin hours.

And as I entered the room, I instantly disappeared off to the corner chair.

There were foreign words like "mikrozid" and "anti-epileptic drugs".

They sounded murderous, even though the former was probably some brand of a killer tissue.
They boxed up toy cubes and forks (pitchforks?) and random octopus thingies in a plastic, unnatural box. And there were pictures of drugs all about the brightly-lit room.

Although it was meant to comfort, the room (yellowish banana coloured) felt like heaven's gate, like some kind of judgement place, deciding if you meant to dive straight into hell, or fly up into the receiving arms of heaven.

And the nasal croaking of the doctor.

"Ahh, so he's having trouble sleeping, eh?"

Translation: How I wish he could sleep forever so that I won't have to stay back for such meaningless consultations.

"Yeah, I'll increase his dosage."

Translation: In hopes of poisoning him, or perhaps render him to a living zombie.

"Well, if he doesn't sleep in the night, of course he'll sleep in the day."

Translation: Either way he's going to sleep forever.

"We'll try out this, or maybe something stronger?"

Translation: Why don't we just kill him off. And hold his peace forever.

And the nurse was gazing at me as though I was an experiment gone wrong. Despite her blank face, I could tell that she was judging me.

She had no right to.

Ironically, I was reading "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult.
And it talked about how unfamiliar the hospital was, a condemning place.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Shameless advertising :D


So here.

Well, Brig asked me to help her advertise her blogshop :D

So here's the URL:


yay, my job is done~

If you have done as mentioned above...


credits belong to some person who I don't know :D
But it's a cute pic :D
shamelessly advertising "emo love" as well~


Wow, such a colourful post :D

More shuffle quizzes and a touch of fanvirus :D

I'mma following Clarinet's post :D

Credits to whoever who created this template thingy :D

1. First song is my overall theme song
If I Die Young-- The Band Perry.
Uhh.... EARLY DEATH! *le gasp* But it's a nice song and it's based on an awesome poem. So I don't mind~! Now I get an excuse to buy more satin~ Ooh, silky fabric. :D

2. Second Song plays when I see my friends
Tell Your World-- Hatsune Miku. 
ZOMB. I LOVE THIS SONG :D ... am I thanking them for making me... me...? T.T 

3. Third is the wedding song
Stereo Hearts-- Gym Class Heroes.
 ... Ooh, kinky. >:D Lol, but seriously though. D'awww. The meaning is rather sweet... in a curt way. :D

4. Fourth is my travelling song while camping
(AN: LET'S GET DORA THE EXPLORER'S THEME SONG!) Karakuri Pierrot-- Hatsune Miku. D'awww, what a sweet--wait. It's such a sad song. IT MAKES NO SENSE! Hey, that means that I'm actually a puppet played by some unknown person. *le gasp* I get it! I has been used by some random unknown faceless guy! *le gasp*... KILL HIM~

5. Fifth is what plays when I destroy a horcrux
Just A Kiss-- Lady Antebellum. 
Uh. So I'mma kiss the horcrux before I kill it? (Because "Saying Goodnight" can mean saying farewells to a deceased/or someone who's gonna get killed) EWW NO. What if it's like Voldy--with hairy legs? XD *inside joke*

6. Sixth is the alarm that sounds when I enter hogsmeade
Party Rock Anthem-- LMFAO Feat. Lauren Bennett and Goon Rock.
XD TROLOLOLOLOLOL! Why this song~ Is it because "EVERY DAY I'M SHUFFLING"? Lol, lookie, theultimatechibifyier is here, so let's  shuffle~ I'm so honoured to have my personal anthem sung for me XD

7. Seventh (!) Song plays when the Order of the Phoenix arrives
Spice!-- Kagamine Len. 
Oh you shuffle list... Y U PICK ALL THE WEIRD SONGS? Ugh. Okay, so I'mma condense the meaning of "Spice!" into a few words: 

It's about a guy liking his sister but in order to kinda forget that love, he starts a harem. Then it ends with a vague ending that hints that...that...that... incest occurred.

... *inserts troll face* I do believe that the Order of the Phoenix is not a harem.

8. Eight song plays during the battle of hogwarts
Because Of You-- Kelly Clarkson.
No comment. Because of youuuuuuuuu~this war started, Harry, m'boy.

9. Ninth song plays when Voldemort dies (I shudder to think of the prospects of this song.)
Glad You Came-- The Wanted. 
... Yes, Harry m'boy, I am glad you came to kill off this nose-less fella. (BWAHAHAHAHA. Clarinet: The dark lord does not rely on such muggle indecisive--*gets killed*)
On the other hand, it's a really... ahemdirty/meaninglessahem song.

10. Tenth song plays over the end credits
Hirai Hirai--Hatsune Miku.

Aww. And hence. I shall insert this song over here for you to listen to :D
I'm such a nice person, eh?
If you haven't noticed, look at the picture at the top of this blog :D (below the title)

It's a really nice song and calming, apparently. I prefer the duet version of this sung with Len Kagamine and it's up to you to check it out.
Miku X Len :D
Miku X Len :D
Miku X Len <3
MIKU X LEN <3<3<3<3<3
Good :D (apparently, I has been brainwashed to this extent as well~)

Here's a warning: Do not click if you're allergic to Anti- Rin X Len :D 
Or if you're allergic to rabid fangirling and illogical reasoning :D

Sunday, 27 May 2012


Just... trying something out for fun :D

Trollers gonna troll~



In synch we float

around the sticky, thick web of love

under swirling currents that melt and molt to form passion

do you not see--the scarlet deformity of jealousy

and thicket of lusting silk-- the epitome of desire

flickering and flashing,

desiring the thicket of silk and lusting

with jealousy--the deformed scarlet sight.

Passion melts and molts into swirling currents

that lie thickly over the loving--sticky--web,

which we float on in synch. 

Post-it ノート: Arr, you bag of simpleton.

"I pen down my dreams in flickering wisps of chords for her to sing out in melodious, hopeful lyrics"

"Because songs are vocalised sermons of literature--from the heart"

"Power corrupts--absolute power corrupts absolutely"

"I have hope, so let me keep it"

--notes taken down happily

Enjoy the music below while I rant.

Had a lot of inspiration today, heard a local band singing and I thought it was rather nice.

Struggling with the temptation to sleep, yet I has done nothing--nothing-- productive today. Not at all.

I haven't even planned for tomorrow! Went to Changi Terminal 3 and saw a lot of things I wanted to buy. But they are:

1. Expensive
2. More of a "want'' than a "need" to me.

I spent 2++ hours in the library reading a book. And it was so amusing, because I was triumphed by the simply amazing twist of the book. Got home, lazily went to bathe. And now, blogging.

In other words, wasting away precious sleep time.

I have microfiction to do (but let's just do it... later.)

Organising some sort of gathering soon, a little... messy?

Gahh. I need to study a lot for June hols. I has decided to make a (very, very sketchy) list of things to do:

1. MATH (BT2 is really gonna be hard, I've heard)
3. EXERCISE (harhar.)
4. Learn to be a better person (no comment)
5. Finish a sketchwork. OR a paint work. Anyway, something decent. AND COLOUR IT. (if it's a sketch, then... black and white)
6. Finish a play :D (this should be ranked last.)
7. Learn to ride a bike. (without any casualties, I hope)
8. Improve my writing skills

I am tired now. I am tired. I need sleep.

Oh banana I just wasted one whole day away.

But at least I got to eat some caramel chocolates :D

I have made up new resolutions.

And--*yawns* and new-- *falls to ground with a thud*

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Musings-- This is Not a Post


Oh gawd. so now we're reduced to a mere

puppetry of prejudice and porcelain masks.

how the heck does that work anyway. 

Upon a rotting string we hang our skinny, anorexic souls and moral values

for the world to feast their eyes on.

what the shit is this crap.

what the hell is happening to this world.

why are we even trying so hard to do such illogical, painful things to ourselves?

gawd, what crap is going on?

bullshit, I say.

nothing more than pure bullshit

I see that there's nothing more to expect of the world.

Since they're all looking for typical faces,

molded into a gallery of faceless members

Who pass by the realism of life only to realise

they've been such fools and idiots

at the merciless hands of the society.

You know what?

I kinda feel pity for the world.

This is the 115th post.

And I watched the trailer of "This is Not A Film".

Yes, you've heard it right.

This is not a film.

As such, this is Not a Post.


I will be writing a play on this.

Paper tigers, the lot of them. 

Clarry the Berry :D (Tomatoes gonna tomate)

clarry berry.


I ahemforcedahem Clarinet to create a blog (she was trying to create a hilarious meme about Darth Vader and Draco Malfoy but that's another matter.)

So I was telling her (Clarinet, I can't really remember the exact contents of our conversation but it was roughly like that):

ME: Uhh, *points to screen* so you can do this and change the post font and all...
Clarry Berry: Oh. Yay :D
ME: Oh, then--
Clarry Berry: Can I see my blog?
ME: Uh, *points to screen* yeah, so you can press this button and...


ME: Yep, so this is how it looks like and then later you can change the Blog title font--
Clarry Berry: When?


That was so cute that I started laughing. Indeed, most people don't react this way--it was a surprise :D
I'm gonna link up your blog to mine too~

And Eilun.

You know that I linked your blog to mine (by the gadget named something like "Blog List") and every time you change your URL...

I has to change it as well.

Okay :D Nao it's all rainbow and fluffie ponies.

And I read a commentary on the Fanfic titled "My Immortal" by a (supposed) troll. In that fanfic, there are weird names and strange plotlines. I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but since you have some expertise in the Harry Potter fanfiction area...

Well, that was random :D

*goes off to lalaland~*

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Mocha-filled waffle



I drank a can of iced mocha just now, but it was not cold so I poured it into a cup and added ice. So maybe it's iced CUP mocha? T.T


You just got trolled.


no, I'm not alcoholic.

Oh gawd, my head hurts now.

it feels like a hangover.


But yes my head is hurting so I'll excuse myself from writing--

random voice: YOU CHEATER SCUM

I made an amazing discovery: When you highlight the post of a blog... it appears that there are lines for the post! It's like a notebook, except neater with customised fonts.

My head hurts. I should go ahead and type out the play.

but my head hurts.
Oh crap-- it's like some stupid little whirlpool swirling about in my head and crashing away--



Where is the caffeine that's supposed to make me feel less guilty? I SLACKED. (productively, I hope.)

And Clarinet and I made a dance for the Tennis Ball parody song~ It was so funny. And fail.

And she couldn't believe that I was in gymnastics for a period of time.


... curse you, mocha.
I wonder who can find the secret messages in this blog post... <--CENSORED :D

And so the waffle lived unhappily ever after.


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Moosic :D

Minor warning:

I am not a K-pop fan (well, I wouldn't really say that I'm a hater, because that's just unreasonable), hence please do not mind if I do not worship the ground that your idols step on. Admittedly, I do listen to K-pop sometimes--SeeU's I=Fantasy is rather... abstract, in my view.

If you do not agree with me, there's no need to get too... enraged because everybody has their own views on matters. :D Though I may be a zombie-marshmallow-banana-waffle-goldfish-giraffe-ninjapenguin thingy, I still has a brain of my own (Pretty contradictory, isn't it?)

If you are those people who... hate people who do not agree with you, please do not click for more pencil shavings!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Post-it ノート: imma very waffley waffle


i has a chinese blog now so whenever i feel like typing in chinese, i'll be able to organise my... stuff.


i'm tired and just so sleepy. 

if someone who raps is called a 'rapper', then is someone who is strange called a 'stranger'? 

okay, so that was lame.


to all seniors (whether i know you or not), 

i secretly stalk you all the time. especially you, tennis ball and the jelly person.

if you believed that, it's the same as believing that i'm in gymnastics and is considering whether to take up a second cca (track and field).

and i'm not the one who stalks the tennis ball, angie. 

go marry a tennis ball! bwahahahahaha. 

-inserts whale laughter-

this post is neither productive nor serious. it's too friggin waffle-ish and stupid and crappy and very unproductive and meaningless. 

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Drawn for ES tooooo

Time used: a while
Satisfaction quota: ... 70%

More of happiness :D
I use the 'heart' shape so often... T.T

feel our burning passion :D

I've been wasting time away.
And I don't think this is productive... TAT


Saturday, 19 May 2012

Drawn for ES :D

I... am too overwhelmed with the love I have for my CCA :D
Here's another failed drawing. :D lalala~

Where literature comes alive~

It... depends on how you interpret the drawing though :D

I hearts you :D
Thanks for everything.

aargh--need to sleep nao.

Open House 2012

This is so copied from the other blog! But it doesn't have really much of a difference, except that some parts are cancelled out because... 
Some seniors know my blog url.
And more edits are done~ (adding on of stuff. :D)

Warning, may include:

  • seniors who have gone mad from too much mocha
  • lame-ity streak
  • Obsessive fangirling over cute pony-giraffe-llama plush toys
  • Pure fluff and happiness (Jerry told me that since "fluff'' meant romantic in fanfiction, then Eilun's hair is romantic :D)
  • banana riddles
  • awesome lot of song making
  • troll face inducing actions
  • embarrassing acts
  • imperfect grammar and stuff. (like: "I has no brains"... but it's a tagline.)

Friday, 18 May 2012

Pictur-y :D

Which one is better?


Personally... I think the first was much simpler and perhaps better...?

Ellie... interesting. Now we have a sec 1 batch CCA blog, eh?

yay :D
On to writing about rubies and bananas :D


Below is what I wrote for school before. And lo and behold, I have just posted it! :D

The topic was "Iridescent" and I fell in love with the word immediately [without knowing its exact meaning] :)

Enjoy! (or get ready a bucket to puke into)


She takes interest and it stems into an obsession. The invisible spirits plant a simple idea in the depths of her mind, it was a motivation that spurred her on.

Aveline loves everything bright and colourful, especially variety bursting at its peak. Fascination streams about her in nifty strokes, capturing her attraction for the rainbow. It is iridescent, displaying a splay of wild, bold colours that blot her mind with hues of the rainbow. It streaks across her mind in a blistering fever, fuelling her addiction. She sees the world as a prism, the colours at their majestic moments, flitting around the world, painting and dabbing away at the monotony of life. 

They swish around-- lofty wishes that awaken her greed. Those voices are haunting her, running a hypnotic loop around her mind. 

Her fingers swipe across another work, crayon marks swirling into a puddle of illusion. They form lines at first, solitary, before gradually merging and exploring different lands. The lines are jagged, yet smooth, forming a spiral that never ends. She loses herself within the enthralling strokes, as they—the crooked lines-- continue mumbling hoarse incantations. They are dancing, starting out with slow and elegant steps, meant to impress upon first sight. But as the pattern forms, their steps start out sophisticated and rapid, capturing her attention. They rush out a frenzied tempo, bringing her heart into a burst of ecstasy.

The enchantment has worn off, bringing her back to the monochromatic world once more. The voices are worn-out, disappointment lacing their words. Yet their grins widen as they toy with her heartstrings, tugging mercilessly on her greed.

A murmur of appreciation falls from her lips, revealing the awe and desperation behind her words.  It forms a whirlpool of exhilaration in her mind, leaving her heart pounding, overwhelmed with desire and longing. They tempt her once more, slyly fingering her heart (they brush gently against the veins and artilleries, musing tiny circles upon them--drawing a reaction of gushing adrenaline) and showing illusions that her glazed-over eyes reflect. 

'Wouldn't it be nice if the world were iridescent? Thriving over a splay of colours?' they probe, prompting. She nodded with hesitation, gulping. They pat her head reassuringly, their beady eyes narrowing. 

Fresh red started out luscious and seductive, purring as it claimed her heart, the first shade. Following after it was yellow, cheerful and pleasing. It skipped merrily over, wrapping the heart in patterns. The mixture darkened to form orange. Vibrant and passionate, the sparks fly upon arrival of the colour before falling down as glittering dust. Green took over in moments, tranquillity smoothing out the creases of excitement caused by the previous colour.  It gingerly pressed its body against the other layers and melted into the mixture as well. Brown sizzled over the edges of the canvas, creeping towards the centre of the art piece. 

Her plan is executed, drawing her breath away. They chuckle at her innocence, awaiting for the grand finale.

The world is nothing but blobs of colours, jumbled together and moulded together. The lines have given way, taken flight. They arch and push, stretching to the limits before finally breaking apart into atoms, drifting in the air, waiting. But that is only the set-up to the climax. Aveline grips onto her desire, faintly chuckling at how her wishes are coming true. Iridescent, the world will become, displaying a nebula eruption, staining the silk of reality with its dye. The colours are fusing, crossing boundaries and blending together. Aveline giggles and shivers with anticipation. 

Another work of art is in progress, unknown to her. Their eyes glint mischievously and their lips, rotting and rancid, curl up in a smirk. 

Pink daintily lands on the paper, grasping onto purple for support. As its older sister nods in encouragement, pink sighs and merges with the other colours. Purple, in its splendour, trickles away bit by bit, splashing silently into the intricate artwork. The two additions darken the coat's colour. Elegant midnight blue stalks upon the painting. It blows gently onto the surface, delighting in the rough and sandy feel of the canvas upon her silky fingers. It sinks into the rotting moor, what with the many decaying souls of its family. 

She should have known. 'Be careful of what you wish for', they sing mockingly, amused at how easily enchanted she was.

Aveline gasps at the horrifying sight. The putrid concoction of the pigments has corrupted the entire world. The black tugs at her shirt, begging and tugging. They smirk upon their lies, coated with agony, pressing against her body. Their fingers, cold and slimy, run up and down her. She shrieks and cowers, covering her face with her hands-- this has never occurred to her.  They coo in hungry and irritated voices, demanding for more additions. Their hunger is insatiable, but there is another horrible ripping. The ink is leaking from her heart, they claw and gnaw at her ribs, every bone they can find. Internal destruction. 

They haunt the last of her memories. 'Didn't you ask for this?' they question, their eyes burning in delight and mock-hurt, relishing at her horror.

The fusion of the colours turned out black. Ironic. Now they are corrupted, sinful and warped. They drip into another world of red and white. Unsatisfied, twisted thoughts blanket them. Gluttons they are, washing over every area and tainting it black. Now, at last, the jigsaw puzzle is complete and the world can rest in total darkness, utter silence. 

Aveline is lost to the real world forever.

The devils sneer and snort at her. It was the simple fascination of the rainbow, yet they fiddled with her mind, tainting each thought dark and twisting it into a warped world of delusion. Poor girl, she never did deserve this, yet she was happy, relishing in her own iridescent mirage then. They licked at every shriek of despair and cheerfully watched her bright vision fade and blackout. The nightmares she gave them were remarkable and appealing. All they did was to give her a little push, plant that seed in her innocent mind and she took it upon herself to develop it, nurture that seed.
Her entertaining actions (for she was a mere plaything) proved noteworthy and it satisfied their hunger for more pain, torture-- for now. Yet it also brought things to a new height as they glide about in the air, far high above, searching for another curious mind to explore and experiment.


WOBBLE JELLIES :D-- dated 18 May 2012

There was this 'advertisement' for our school and then my senior was acting in it.
And then the appearance of the wobble jelly, which really WOBBLED. And when you shake it, it would wobble and wobble and wobble.
Well, so there was something like this:

Senior 1 (the one I know): Oh look, it wobbles! *shakes jelly thingy*
Senior 2: Oh yah! *wobbles jelly*
They pause for a while, wobbling the jelly.
Senior 2: They wobble, just like your fats! *goes to poke senior 1's underarm* 
Senior 1... IS NOT AMUSED.

And yes, I laughed at the troll face she portrayed.
So did everyone.

So then, I was amazed by the magical wobbling jelly and after PE, the teacher was ahem forced ahem filled with too much love for us so she bought us ice creams.
And the whole class decided to get wobbly jellies :D

And then I was wobbling the Popsicle jelly thingy all around the whole school,
And I would just stare at it and go "wobble wobble", *shakes jelly* and then start laughing.

Yesh. So I did that to a senior (like go and do the wobbling of jelly in front of her) and she displayed the most EPIC troll face ever.

epic, epic, epic.



And then Tuanny told me that we were all wobbly because we were jellies (Jonana, remember haemoBLOBbin?) And I was a blob of blubber. So we wobbled the way along.

And in the end, I just ate the jelly up and it wobbled in my stomach. :D

wobble wobble, till the very next day~

And then I was singing a parody of "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen:

Hey, I just met you!
And this is crazy!
I have amnesia!

[pauses to think]

Hey, I just met you!
And this is crazy!
I have amnesia!

[pauses again, dazed look]

Hey, I just met you!

And it irritated the crap outta people :D 

And also, you know the internet memes, like:


and the exclusive


so I joined them together, into two possibilities :

"THIS IS YOUR FATHER!" (and at that moment I was holding onto a rubber band so Niccy was like "My dad... is elastic...?" XD)


"I AM SPARTA!" (and I was screeching it out in the highest pitch I could reach :D)


Today is so fun. So funny as well. 

Internet memes XD haha. 

Aww, the official last day of this semester was so fun :D 


Lame-ity streak. :D

Just trying out something new today to celebrate the temporary end of school.

Will upload something soon. With relations to wobbly jellies, of course. :D

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Musings-- I is a carrot.

Mistaken identity.

I wonder if the fox will change its fur colours in summer, autumn or winter.

Indeed, indeed.

Now that I have submitted for Montage...
*to Ellie and Jerry :D jiayou for Montage anyways.

But that's out of the point anyway.

I have a fear of someone.
So now, I'm going to try to be brave.

I'm not going to give anyone anything, not even my fear.
*puts on failed pokerface*

Because it seems so idiotic to be afraid of someone who's not supposed to be intimidating at all...
but I still fall prey T3T
How do you overcome fear?
I have a fear of mirrors as well, another fear called Athazagoraphobia. 
Sighs. I'm trying not to fear fear itself, but it's getting too difficult.

On the other hand... no more CST :)

I wonder what we'll be doing instead of tha-- ... not extra Chinese lessons, right?

And I wrote a letter to the Sec 4 me :D I wonder if I'll even remember to read the letter. It's really short and filled with Tuannism. :D


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Bloggery :D 15 May 2012

The tennis ball had a cookie and she was wondering what to do with it (what can you do with a cookie besides giving it to your truly?). AND I WAS EMOING IN THE DISTANCE BECAUSE I KNEW I'D NEVER GET THE COURAGE TO ASK HER FOR IT. TAT
my cookie.

So anyway.
Ellie made a bunch of statements that I don't understand. I mean, I like doughnuts (they are sweet and the bread is fluffy and the sprinkles *__*) especially CHOCOLATE ones! (OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM :3) And then she was saying about something long and then I wondered about Frenchbread (I've been listening to too much Teto : D Listen to Kasane Teto's "Kasane Territory"!) and then I didn't get the joke and Jerry and Ellie were both being mean and going "WE SHALL NOT TELL YOU" bwahahahaha.

There was choir concert! And I didn't know about it :O I wanted to go!
But no, because I has homework. and man, they didn't even tell us about it!

Enough tragic dramas today.

Monday, 14 May 2012

The Japanese Teacher said there was something wrong with me! :D

and it made me laugh for the rest of the Japanese lesson.

ZOMB. (Zombie's way of saying "zomg") Finally someone confirms my thoughts :D
Oh gawd. Homework. T ^ T ||| And yay, there's CCA tomorrow.

And I'll be getting new glasses soon! (because the current one's thingy broke off-- got it fixed, but the paint is peeling, peeling.....)

Phoebe called me earlier.
Oh gawd I miss you guys a lot. A LOT. A LOTTTTTT~
And then I saw the evil egg. I was trying to ask about FA. Not so sure now...

Ugh, now I need to do things.
Important things.

I swear, I hate this place. I absolutely despise it, loathe it.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Trying out the Steampunk look

I hope I've gotten it right! The steampunk effect-look kinda thingy.

Aargh, the images are so blurry!
The rectangularish legs. Fish-netting, a little of the lacey parts of this...

THE DRESS. :D With chains and ribbons and laces and stripes. But you can't really see it well.
Personally, I find the right hand design far worse than the left hand one. Ooh, looky at all the wire-ish elements!

The full image, no space for legs :D

The hair reminds me of Cleopatra. She's Faceless! LE GASP.

This is just a close up of the top part of the dress. Very extra. :D
Tralalala. I hope I'll be able to work on more steampunk designs (considering that this is counted as 'steampunk'.) I fell out of Lolita designs already. Maybe I'll create a fusion between the two?
Tralalala. And now I've mastered another type of eye design! :D yay :D

To the picture (it was clear on my phone...) : Y U NO CLEAR?

haha, but everything's alright other than that :D
I wanna keep drawing~! ^^


Dreaming Out Loud

I'm dreaming out loud,
An ethereal world of vivid sketches
that circle a tangled mess of mystic clouds--
In a sea of bony, grimy faces, the lot of wretches.

In a blood pool of mauve carnations,
My fingers dig out cocoa wishes
formed through bitter accusations
and later reduced to moonstone ashes.

Pelting shards and fragmented fantasies,
I shoot down shadows of Cheshire Cats.
They vanish into the dawn of glittering faeries,
where magic--upon my head-- she pats.

Crochet doilies traipse on threads
of lingering passion and scattering stardusts.
Flimsy wings and mirages of patched up shreds,
I see them through mirrors of blinded trust.

In a thicket of mismatched constellations,
Upon a kaleidoscope of beaded stars,
I trace on the canvas, my starry-eyed creations.
I'm dreaming out loud-- dreaming away scars.


Oh, so fail.

Inspired by: Stop and Stare, Onerepublic. :D

Whatisthiscrapidon'teven. harhar.
I should have submitted this for Montage!!! T.T

Friday, 11 May 2012

Bloggery :D 11 May 2012


I feel so guilty right now.

Like Char, we had CSM, so later Saman and I went to Soghurt with a few other friends to realise that it was closed. Instead, we took the bus to Island Creamery. And then... I realised one cup cost 2.80. And I only had 2.00 left so I had to use the 'emergency' money (it's not really for emergencies, just that I thought the CCA jackets were going to come soon so I placed them inside... the wallet).


I feel like I splurged. (It's uncommon for me to spend so much in a week, you know?)

*yesh, I is a stingy and thrifty person*

Oh, CSM wasn't as... interesting as Char described (in her blog-- it's linked to mine, I think? I hope she doesn't mind. Free advertising!) I was in the shade (away from the track) and trying to do homework.

But seriously, there wasn't much to be done. So I tried revising for Japanese and Chemistry. And it ended up with the four (Jerry, Ellie, Sab and meee) talking about random stuff. Well, only Sab and I were. Jerry and Ellie were the studious ones --guilt pierces meee--

And then I ran down back to the track to see our class runners sprinting. :D
You guys were awesome :D
Tralalalala. But then I left my bag at the shade (with the three friends) so I went back. And tried doing some more studying. We're going to exchange notes (inter-class kinda thing)

Oh yes, during the cheer sessions (the earlier ones, I was there), I shouted along. *cough* now I sound so much like the typical witch in those fairytales.
And tomorrow there's the hydroponics farm trip thingy. Sigh, now I need to read  up on it. TAT

That's all~~~ :D

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Post-It ノート: oh why

That was so embarrassing.
And idiotic.

That I tried to commit suicide in that little emo corner.

Why do I squeak at inappropriate times. 
I'm going to try to wash this off my head for now and keep my head up high.
Or at least try to.

Maintains view: scary people are scary.

Baka, baka, baka.
Oh bananas.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Alice Apocalypse, Chapter 3

Her fingers weave into each other. Sure, they used to dream in colours, fantasies soaring, unbidden songs painting a mirage upon her stark, putrid soul.
Her fingers ache to tear away the canvas, taunting, haunting but yet so true. So true it makes her cry. Her fingers sift through the years, the memories compiled into a scrapbook that yellow with each lie that lolls about in her mouth. They are tearing apart, breaking down, drifting away with the wind. She can no longer remember Eden.

"Nox, I'm in Nox." she whispers to herself, reassuringly.

The chant has become a string, a delicate-oh,so-fragile thread between reality and desire. Her mantra, her lifejacket to keep her safe from the clutches of despair. No, she will not fall prey to envy. She will not coat her lips with the syrupy taste of jealousy. She will not remember Eden, she will not know of the happiness--there was nothing to be thought about of Eden, it was nothing but a place too far away for her to reach out for. A place for idealists, perfection, beauty-- nothing for her. Eden and Nox were words too different, like the like poles of a magnet (alike, in the aspect that only the most extreme superlatives can be used to describe them). Repel, repel away the thoughts, shoo away the emotions.

"Puppet, frayed, ugly, bitter. I don't deserve emotions. I don't, I don't." The blunt words pierce at her heart, but this is the truth.

She remembers The Casting.

"You don't belong here, you never will."

"Disgusting child, oh what have we done to deserve such devil?"

"Her heart. It's black. Her eye, it rebels."

"Don't look into her eye, sweetheart. It's a mirror."

"It's a curse, a curse."

"My Alice ! AliceohAlice with the beautiful eyes."

"She's nothing but a danger, her eyes, they rebel against our common rules!"


"Away with her!" 
"Alice, Alice, don't. Don't leave me!"

"Mom, I don't. No! Let me go!"

"You are naught but ugliness herself, your left eye, a curse. Banished to Nox, you will be! Monster!"

"Alice, my dear Alice. Don't let them take you away."

"I'm not a monster!"


"Shut up!"


"I'm not a monster."


"I'm not a monster. I'm not."  

She left for Nox, even before The Casting. In the darkness of the night, she left. Comforting silence engulfed her and she never saw the need to hear those derogatory terms. She was a monster of the night, a monster of Nox.

"Alice, you have to know that your eye is a blessing." her mother pats her head.

"I wish I were blind."


"That way I wouldn't have to see their eyes and look at mine in the mirror. Oh wait, my left eye is a mirror, right? Just good enough for me to peer in the dimmed light in Nox, isn't it?"


"I know. My left eye is a mirror. A devil, they say. The cards on the table do nothing but condemn me."

Alice flips her hand over to reveal the imprint of The Joker on her palm.



A joker symbolizes a loner, forever to be hidden in the shadows, to be avoided. Alice the Joker, she thought wryly. The name did seem to suit her.

But yes, there was no happiness in Eden, there was nothing, except the sprinkling of salt over her wounds. 

Alice gingerly picks up the papers, stares at the scribbles once more. She stares at a drawing of Aurelia and her. Alice's fringe is long, too long. It covers her left eye. Aurelia merely grins and nudges Alice. Aurelia was the first to know her secret. She was also the first to tell it.


"Yes, Alice?" Aurelia smiles, looking up at Alice.

Alice shuffles her feet.

"I have a secret."

The word lures Aurelia in, as she tugs on Alice's hand.

"What is it?" she mumbles, excited.

Alice pushes her fringe away and anxiously beams.

Aurelia falls back, shocked.

"Devil," Aurelia calls, disregarding their friendship.

Alice pauses in motion, letting her fringe drop back to cover her eye. 

Devil. Aurelia called her a devil. Devil.

Alice stares hard at Aurelia's sketchy drawing. The lines seem to unscramble themselves to form a word. Devil. She wishes she could remember the happy moments in Eden, let the feeling of joy wash over her [for once in such a long time]. But there is nothing. Alice rethinks.

"The first time I got my flower."

It is blank.

"I received chocolates."

Blank, still.

"Rolling in the grass!"


"Singing with the choir!"

Blank, Empty. Nothing. Black. Fuzzy.

"You're nothing but a monster. Ugly, pathetic. You don't deserve Eden. You don't deserve anything."


Oh what is this I don't even.

I was planning on writing to complete another chapter of Alice Apocalypse but it came out in tatters.

Oh, I'll just publish it and watch as you squirm in horror at the nonsensical stuff.


Dancers-- my submission for montage

Dancing on a hard, cement floor.
Twirling about at ill grace,
You seek our very core
of love, peace and trimmed lace.

Arching backs and curved figurines
are placed above the wooden fireplace.
One speaks to the other--where have you been,
fondly, lovingly-- he strokes her face.

Slender fingers trace the epitome of desire,
hesitant, pleasured with the silky taste of lust.
We drown ourselves in fire,
the scorching flames spit out fantasies, stardusts.

Ribbons bind our feet together,
Scarlet, elegant but tortuous,
The weight of the world appears as the weight of a feather
Upon our legs, yet our faces are joyous. 

Teetering on the edge,
Cracks powdered, scars faded.
We mumble the sacred pledge
of ugliness and beauty-- a weight [over our shoulders] cascaded


Oh crap.
Why did I just submit this for Montage.

I guess I'm desperate to this extent.

This is going on the fridge

Chatting with Clarinet now.


me: lalala
  but returning to the subject
CLARINET: ehh? NO DON'T!!!! D:

Yesh, I am so screwed now.


 me: ahh
  sweet childhood
Howlie mollie in a bowlie. How did this evolve into this?
...UGHall i can say is I'm screwed. and Tuesday *facepalms*